Female Waxing.
Male Waxing.
Waxing Savvy.
Contact Us.


Female Waxing

Male Waxing

Waxing Savvy

Contact Us

Tel Penny:   07762177404




Wax & Co provide the highest quality in both service and waxing.  We provide our female clients with total comfort and privacy. Whether you are looking for Intimate Waxing such as the popular Brazilian or a more conservative treatment we are here to give you just that.  Only the best hot and strip wax from the Perron Rigot Range are used. Hot wax is used on all sensitive areas.

Waxing Prices

Eyebrows                                    £7
Upper Lip                                   £6
Chin                                            £6
Upper Lip & chin                       £10


Underarm                                   £8

Forearm                                     £7

Nipples                                       £10


Half leg                                       £13

Full leg                                        £20



Intimate Waxing Prices

Bikini                                         £10

Bikini Advanced                       £15

Brazilian                                    £25

Hollywood                                 £25

Buttocks inc butt crease          £15


Brazilian wax
All the hair is removed, front and back, leaving just a “landing strip” at the front.

Hollywood wax
All the hair is removed, front, back and everything in between.







If what you want waxed or combination of waxing is not displayed that you require please  ask for prices.

Female Waxing in Bournemouth, Poole &  Dorset

















